Business Category: Coffee Shop Gifts Retail Food Processor
In Business Since: May 2013
Number of Employees/Subcontractors: 3
Desired Markets: Local, Regional, State
Description: Union Place Coffee Roasters, is a boutique style coffee roaster in Rochester, NY, serving both the wholesale and retail customer.
Sourcing green coffee from socially responsible importers around the globe, then roasting the perfect batch and crafting exotic flavored coffees is a big part of what we do. Our hands-on roasting process ensures the perfect development of each batch.
In 2021 we opened a new cafe location in the Genesee Valley Regional Market, offering specialty coffee beverages, bakery items and cafe seating. We offer our space for small events.
Featured Products or Services: Fresh roasted coffee for your home brewing.
Exotic flavored coffees.
Hand brewing equipment.
Commercial coffee for the office.
Cafe with specialty beverage service and seating.
Offering cafe space for small events.