Business Category: Energy Nutritional Services Women's Issues Acupuncture
In Business Since: 1998
Number of Employees/Subcontractors: 5
Description: Stem Cell Activation, Intelligent Aging With Phototherapy; Strategies For A Resilient Immune System; Purification Practices; Causes For Perfect Digestion
Profile: For over 20 years, Jennifer Waters, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. has had the privilege of working in private practice with countless patients of all ages and backgrounds. Her passion is discovering the root cause of dis-ease so that you can lead a life of health. Jennifer has been a practitioner of Zen meditation for over three decades, attributing her cultivation of health and emotional resilience to the profound practice of zazen. She also holds the following certifications: Diplomate and Licensed Acupuncturist
Certified Arvigo Therapist
Master Photobiomodulation Light Therapist
Throughout her career, Jennifer has worked with many people looking for common-sense approaches to health. She relies on lifestyle changes, nutrition, whole food nutrients & phototherapy to activate your capacity for healing. Jennifer creates customized protocols which adapt to your life.
Featured Products or Services: Phototherapy patches to mobilize your stem cells
Acupuncture and Light Therapy
Women TIES Business Referrals: Not sure what that means?
Susan E Brown
Center for Better Bones
(100% Woman-Owned Business)