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to the new Women's Athletic Network, a division of Women TIES that promotes athletic events for women entrepreneurs to participate in, train for or support as spectators.
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Tracy Higginbotham
Tracy Higginbotham
Women TIES

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Susan Bertrand
Maureen's Hope Foundation


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Linda Fake
Uniquely Yours

Friday, August 30, 2024
Trying Every Sport in A Lifetime
Who Wants to Join Tracy?


Tracy Chamberlain Higginbotham, Founder and President of Women TIES, LLC, who lost all her hair to alopecia in 2018, has come out of the experience realizing she wants to try every sport - regular and hopefully adventure - once in her lifetime. She will be documenting her attempts via social media especially on her TikTok account @tracychigginbotham.

As the year progresses, Tracy will post the sports she is attempting and invites any woman to join her at it. Most will be a one day experience most likely without training.

Out of the 124 "regular" sports, Tracy has done 55 of them with 69 more to try including ones like motorcross, curling, archery, parasailing, surfing, and more.

When it comes to "adventure" sports, there are 39 with Tracy only doing 4 so she has 35 more to go. Some of the "fun" ones include mountain biking, unicycle, kite surfing, bullriding, and more. Any ones who has participated in a adventure sport who wants to take Tracy back out with them, should reach out to her!

Let's make 2024 and onward, an undaunted way of living life through sports especially since we are women and are fearless.

Send your interest in wanting to be invited and involved to womenties33@gmail.com

Time: Noon
Location: TBA
Deadline: Friday, August 30, 2024
$0.00 Each Sport Adventure Will Have Its Own Pricing

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© 2024 Women's Athletic Network
A Division of Women TIES, LLC
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